Waikiki Parade Honors Hawaiian Monarch

Story From KHNL TV: "Thousands of people lined the streets of Honolulu Saturday morning for the Kamehameha Day Parade." Here's KGMB's coverage.

The Star-Bulletin coverage notes that the Order of Kamehameha "supports a restoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom." (Nice photos)

And the Advertiser article notes the participation of a float by the Reinstated Hawaiian Kingdom and their desire to see the Hawaiian people united once more.

The Star-Bulletin's special Hawaiian language section has two stories commemorating Kamehameha I, and Kalani Mondoy writes a letter in yesterday's Maui News (in response to an earlier letter comparing him with Hitler and Hussein) putting Kamehameha's invasion and unification of the islands in a different historical perspective. Plus three more letters published today in response, saying 1) "Hawaiians know only too well what it's like to be 'invaded' by a superior country," 2) "when going to war noncombatants were not to be harmed," and 3) "We need a Kamehameha today to unite the Hawaiian people against the onslaught of attacks."

The Maui News
Letter to the Editor
Saturday, June 12, 2004

Kamehameha ended interisland warfare

The June 8 letter describing how Kamehameha invaded the island of Maui by landing via canoes on the beach and beginning to killing people as well as equating him to Hitler or Saddam Hussein could not have been more incorrect.

Maui and Hawaii at times were at peace and at other times were at war. Wars between Hawaii and Maui had been going on even before Kamehameha was born, since the time of his uncle Kalani'opu'u and his brother-in-law Kahekili. Many chiefs had warred with each other generations prior for many of the islands.

Kamehameha brought all of these smaller island kingdoms together into one nation. It was no different than Queen Isabella of Castille and King Ferdinand of Aragon uniting into one nation (Spain) after their ancestors had that nation divided into several smaller kingdoms. This occurred with many European nations, just as it occurred with China. Kamehameha's ancestors had ruled these smaller island kingdoms and districts.

Kamehameha was revered for the fact that he made the islands into one nation, rather than many and with the unification ended all wars. He also implemented a kanawai (edict) of the splintered paddle where people were saved from harsh punishment. This is why Kamehameha is recognized for what he is.

Kalani Mondoy
Glendale, Calif.

The Maui News
Letters to the Editor
Sunday, June 13, 2004

Kamehameha represents more than a conquest

Comparing Kamehameha to Hitler and Saddam is disrespectful and shows a lack of historic perspective (Letters, June 8). Kamehameha Day means much more to us than a three-day weekend at the beach. We gather with our ohana and remember how much love we have for our Hawaiian nation.

Hawaiians know only too well what it's like to be "invaded" by a superior country. We know what its like to lose our country to "ruthless fascists" who tried to destroy our lives, customs and culture. We know what its like to have guns and cannons pointed at Iolani Palace, right next to the statue you "would like to pull down the same way our troops toppled the statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad."

King Kamehameha represents our unity and is a symbol of the love and pride we have for island home. Please educate yourself. Learn to respect your host culture.

Glenn Coryell

Noncombatants were safe during Hawaiian wars

A June 8 letter shows an unacceptable ignorance of Hawaiian history and fighting.

Go to a library and look for a book called "The Warrior King: Hawaii's Kamehameha The Great." You will see that when going to war noncombatants were not to be harmed.

Gaby Gouveia

Leader of Kamehameha stature needed today

A June 8 letter shows a short-sighted view of Hawaiian history and the methods of Kamehameha The Great to conquer the islands and unify Hawaii.

When Kamehameha started his quest of bringing the islands together, it was a common practice for these battles to take place and acquisition of land and resources were the goal. Battles were fought among Hawaiians and not with other countries for hundreds of years before Kamehameha was born.

America attacked Queen Liliu'okalani with the help of the white missionaries here because the land was perfect for sugar and pineapple and not because the queen had any weapons of mass destruction. My mother always told me: "Make sure you clean your house, before you talk about others."

We need a Kamehameha today to unite the Hawaiian people against the onslaught of attacks from non-Hawaiians and wannabe Hawaiians who want to take down the Kamehameha Schools, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and all the Hawaiian entitlements that are due us for the taking of our Hawaiian nation. Please remember, we were once warriors.

Imua Kamehameha inu ika wai'awa'awa (Kamehameha's battle cry).

Charles Kauluwehi Maxwell Sr.

Posted: Sun - June 13, 2004 at 06:56 AM    
World Court Case DVD
Larsen Case on DVD
Larsen DVD
Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom at the
Permanent Court of Arbitration
The Hague, 2001
DVD Mini-Documentary & Booklet
Order your copy
Free Hawaii
Over at the Free Hawaii blog, Koani Foundation is giving away "Free Hawaii" stickers and pins, and will post photos of them displayed in interesting places. Spread them far and wide!
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