Hawaiian Trust, OHA's Plan B

Teeing off from this article yesterday, and noting that with "a likely veto from the White House" on the Akaka bill for federal recognition, "final success may not come until a president supportive of the idea sits in the White House," today's Advertiser editorial looks at OHA's Plan B:
Meanwhile, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs — custodians of what assets the state has designated for Native Hawaiian benefits — is contemplating a "Plan B" strategy, as it should.

The question is: Will that strategy really make trust funds for Hawaiian programs safer than they are today?

OHA attorneys are reviewing a proposal to create a nonprofit limited liability company (LLC) in which to transfer some of the assets, an idea being pursued by OHA trustee Oswald "Oz" Stender. Stender said this might offer some protection for Hawaiian funds that in theory could be challenged legally and withdrawn.

Of course, OHA has prevailed in such challenges so far, which suggests there is another motive. Stender said it is this: An LLC would be able to pursue real estate and other investments more in the manner of a business, with a measure of privacy that the state's sunshine law wouldn't allow.

This ought to at least give pause to a Native Hawaiian beneficiary, who should have the information needed to hold investors accountable.

They need to watch OHA in the next month, when this project is likely to come to open discussion, and ask how and by whom the nonprofit would be run. A Plan B is a useful concept, but the devil is in the details here.

And I have to ask: What about a bank? I fear that, along with resistance from the banks who benefit by holding Hawaiian assets, some people may not be open to the bank idea because its main proponent has been Bumpy, and it is too closely associated with him personally. But that's no reason not to consider the plan on its merits. This isn't "Bumpy's Bank" as some may refer to the idea. It is a Hawaiian bank that Bumpy happens to have been smart enough to see the value of and come up with an initial proposal for, with expertise like that of Mr. Paul Homan backing him up. But the bank is way bigger than Bumpy. If OHA is seriously looking at a Plan B to protect Hawaiian assets, they need to be seriously looking at a Hawaiian bank, and the beneficiaries whose money this actually is should keep reminding them of that.

Update 8/1: Doug notes a previous alternative plan from last year, and wonders if there was some earlier reporting on this that he missed. Good question. I haven't seen any. It is odd that it shows up in an editorial but hasn't been reported otherwise, as far as I know.

Update 8/6: Trustee Oz Stender clarifies his position in an Advertiser letter.

Posted: Tue - July 31, 2007 at 06:37 AM    
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Published On: Aug 06, 2007 11:53 AM
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