This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.

By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui


Old Archives (Aug03-Oct09) Top 10
Hawaii Blogs

Awakening a Sleeping Hawaiian Giant

Kuhio has a new post on his blog, Awakening a Sleeping Hawaiian Giant, that is worth reading, about the distinction between the national and native/ethnic definition of “Hawaiian” and the role of various agencies and organizations in expressing the will of Hawaiian nationals and facilitating the transition to restored independence.

2 comments to Awakening a Sleeping Hawaiian Giant

  • Kawehi Kanui

    Aloha Kuhio,

    You web page is off centered and lose the whole content, can you fix it, it just makes it easier to read the whole content.

    Please contact me, I have some ideas, similar on some levels on the restoration of the true Hawaiian government.


  • An enlightening dissertation! An example that all things are possible against impossible odds. We as subjects of this great country we call our home, Hawaii. Our right, our will to restore our independence.

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